Our values

Better together - learn more about our core values

Fashion for a difference

Change starts on a small scale. We want to inspire consumers for sustainable fashion and contribute to a positive change in society with fair and sustainable business practices. To this end, we have developed clear values for which we stand and which guide us in our decisions.


Appreciation is more than reward and praise for us

We have respect for people and the environment. We want to create awareness for the loving handwork of the individual producers and the natural resources we use. For this purpose, we provide on our website insights into the environmentally friendly materials we use and bring you closer to our valuable European partner productions in a short presentation.

Learn more about our sustainable materials


Equity along the entire supply chain

We always treat both our valued customers and our valuable suppliers as equals and work closely together within our team and along our entire supply chain. We are pleased that we have thus been able to build up a trusting and long-term cooperation with our production partners over the years.

Learn more about our fair production sites

"It’s only one straw." 

Said eight billion people.



Fashion free of norms

We are against traditional norms and celebrate the individuality of our society. We also express this in our fashion. For us as a Berlin label, it is therefore an important component that our collections can be worn individually and unisex and also serve special sizes, so that we can give our growing customer base a lasting pleasure and exclude no one.

Learn more about our team


Innovation for the future

Wir sind nicht perfekt aber wir arbeiten jeden Tag daran noch besser, transparenter und nachhaltiger zu werden. Wir lieben es Bestehendes in Frage zu stellen und sind konstant auf der Suche nach neuen Lösungen in Bezug auf nachhaltige Materialien und Prozesse. 

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One piece of clothing at a time.


We would like to inform and educate

Our goal is to be authentic and honest with ourselves but also with others. We want to show how we work and how many different steps and resources go into our fashion. Manufacturing in Europe and our consistently fair and sustainable supply chain play a special role in this.


For the love of detail

In our collections, high-quality materials meet a timeless design, with which fashion lovers can dress stylishly across seasons and short-term trends. In this way, we make a long-lasting promise and at the same time consciously set ourselves apart from the fast-fashion industry.