"Skull or butterfly?" Trippy designs that get under your skin

in conversation with Pablo Permanent

In the creative process for our Open Artist Call was created through the exchange with Tattoo Artist Pablo Permanentan exclusive T-shirt design collabo that combines Berlin's attitude to life with sustainable design.

In this Givn Berlin story, you can find out how he got into tattooing, what makes his style unique and what he advises people who want to get tattooed for the first time.

T-shirt COLBY (Twirl) *available from 13.06.2022

T-shirt COLBY (Twirl)

"An insight into a parallel world, a trip for the eyes."

Givn Berlin: Many tattoo artists share a passion for art and graphics, is that different for you or what is behind it? Pablo Permanent? How did you come to this?

Pablo Permanent:
I'm like most people, my passion for art and graphics led me to tattooing. I've been drawing for as long as I can remember, I started with graffiti early on, then came drawing lessons and an undergraduate degree in fine art and a bachelor's degree in graphic design. Since I couldn't see myself in the role of a freelance artist and wasn't happy as a graphic designer either, I found the perfect medium in tattooing, without really looking for it, to communicate my art, work with people and make a living from it.

Givn Berlin: Skull or butterfly? Just kidding. You've developed your very own style over time, what's special about it? (and: have you ever stung a skull or butterfly?)

Pablo Permanent: Haha why not a butterfly with skulls? Also a very popular motif at the moment. Thank you, I'm honored to be recognized as having my own style! :) What characterizes my style, I think, is that almost every motif has a surrealistic approach or, as one would rather say today, is very trippy. Long before I started tattooing, I had the urge to visualize things that had never been seen before. A glimpse into a parallel world, a trip for the eye.
My style had already developed into what it is before I came to Berlin four years ago. Nevertheless, interests that are widespread in Berlin, such as my fascination for the surreal, especially for surreal art such as works by Dalí or comics by Moebius, who deals a lot with the expansion of consciousness and science fiction, were and still are formative. Op art also plays a role, as does my interest in techno and rave culture, especially records from the early 90s and their artwork and the associated flyers and posters.

T-shirt COLBY (Graphic) | Sweatshirt EDWARD

Sweatshirt EDWARD | Cargo pants CAMERON

"My style is special, I wouldn't find many people interested in it in a small town"

Givn Berlin: You seem to be doing a lot of things right. In Berlin you are the exclusive resident at NOIR Studio Neukölln and you've also become quite successful on Instagram in a short space of time. What role does Berlin play in your career, if we rewind a little?

Pablo Permanent: Yes, that seems to be the case, but to be honest, I owe my rapid gain in followers to an Instagram algorithm that I can't figure out, which was kind to me at times, but which also quickly and sometimes arbitrarily puts you back in a Lamborghini in a Bobby Car in terms of reach and growth.
Berlin has played an important role in my career as a tattoo artist, as it was the only place I could grow so quickly. Berlin is full of interesting, alternative-minded people who like to express their way of life or thinking, even on their skin. There are so many people here who want tattoos, plus the many tourists, so every style has its customers. My style is special, in a small town I wouldn't find many people interested in it, as old-school and new-school motifs are more popular there and the general public is already familiar with their look. In Berlin, on the other hand, it can't be unusual and individual enough. What's more, my style fortunately fits in quite well with the vibe and current zeitgeist of the city.

Givn Berlin: For our collabo shirt, the "TWIRL" motif won the race for us, what do you see in it?

Pablo Permanent: I hardly ever tell my customers what I see in a motif or what meaning it has for me. If at all, then only when the customer has first revealed their interpretation to me. The reason for this is that I want to leave the interpretation up to the viewer without influencing them or even dissuading them from their opinion. And that's how I'll do it here too. For me it's about aesthetics, I leave the interpretation to you.

Shirt RAMIN | Chino pants ERIC


"It used to be hip hop, now it's the niche between house and techno"

Givn Berlin: What has particularly influenced you in terms of your style?

Pablo Permanent:
My clothing style is definitely influenced by the music scene in which I move and have moved. In the past it was hip hop, today it's the niche between house and techno, whose clothing style is in turn very influenced by the hip hop and skater scene. In my case, it can be casual, oversized and comfortable. Often found among DJs who have dedicated themselves to vinyl digging. (laughs).
Berlin has influenced me in the sense that I have become more colorful, wear more unusual colors or patterns here and there and no longer worry about whether you can wear this or that, because fortunately everyone here can wear whatever they want without being looked at strangely.

Givn Berlin: What advice would you give to people who want to get a tattoo for the first time?

Pablo Permanent: Schwer zu sagen, weil das sehr individuell ist. Allgemein würde ich empfehlen: sich gut zu überlegen, worauf man Bock hat und ob man auch noch in einigen Jahren Lust auf das Tribal auf der Stirn hat oder das vielleicht doch nur eine Phase bzw. ein Hype ist mit dem man sich später womöglich nicht mehr identifizieren kann. Aber mach Dir wiederum auch nicht zu viele Gedanken, wenn es sich nicht gerade um eine sehr prominente Stelle handelt, denn man kann sich durch zu viel Überdenken auch tolle Ideen kaputt machen. Wenn Du weißt, was Du willst, nimm dir Zeit und such einen Tätowierer der genau den Stil bedient, den Dein Wunschmotiv benötigt und vergewissere dich, dass er auch wirklich sein Handwerk beherrscht (schau nach Fotos von abgeheilten Tattoos!). Lass Dich dann von dem Tättowierer beraten, hör auf seine Ratschläge und wenn alles passt, let's go!

Note: From Monday, 13.06.2022 the Givn Berlin X Pablo Permanent Collabo T-Shirt COLBY "TWIRL" will be available in our webshop.

Givn Berlin Sweatshirt EDWARD aus Bio-Baumwolle Sweater Muddy Pink
Givn Berlin Sweatshirt EDWARD aus Bio-Baumwolle Sweater Muddy Pink
Givn Berlin Sweatshirt EDWARD aus Bio-Baumwolle Sweater Muddy Pink
Givn Berlin Sweatshirt EDWARD aus Bio-Baumwolle Sweater Muddy Pink
Givn Berlin Sweatshirt EDWARD aus Bio-Baumwolle Sweater Muddy Pink
Givn Berlin Sweatshirt EDWARD aus Bio-Baumwolle Sweater Muddy Pink
Givn Berlin Sweatshirt EDWARD aus Bio-Baumwolle Sweater Muddy Pink
Givn Berlin Sweatshirt EDWARD aus Bio-Baumwolle Sweater Muddy Pink
Givn Berlin Sweatshirt EDWARD aus Bio-Baumwolle Sweater Muddy Pink
Givn Berlin Sweatshirt EDWARD aus Bio-Baumwolle Sweater Muddy Pink
Sweatshirt EDWARD organic cotton - Muddy Pink

Sweatshirt EDWARD organic cotton - Muddy Pink

Givn Berlin Cargohose CAMERON aus Bio-Baumwolle Trousers Olive
Givn Berlin Cargohose CAMERON aus Bio-Baumwolle Trousers Olive
Givn Berlin Cargohose CAMERON aus Bio-Baumwolle Trousers Olive
Givn Berlin Cargohose CAMERON aus Bio-Baumwolle Trousers Olive
Givn Berlin Cargohose CAMERON aus Bio-Baumwolle Trousers Olive
Givn Berlin Cargohose CAMERON aus Bio-Baumwolle Trousers Olive
Givn Berlin Cargohose CAMERON aus Bio-Baumwolle Trousers Olive
Givn Berlin Cargohose CAMERON aus Bio-Baumwolle Trousers Olive
Givn Berlin Cargohose CAMERON aus Bio-Baumwolle Trousers Olive
Givn Berlin Cargohose CAMERON aus Bio-Baumwolle Trousers Olive
Givn Berlin Cargohose CAMERON aus Bio-Baumwolle Trousers Olive
Givn Berlin Cargohose CAMERON aus Bio-Baumwolle Trousers Olive
Organic Cotton Cargo Pants CAMERON - Olive

Organic Cotton Cargo Pants CAMERON - Olive

Givn Berlin Hemd RAMIN aus Bio-Baumwolle  Buttoned Shirt Midnight Blue / White (Stripes)
Givn Berlin Hemd RAMIN aus Bio-Baumwolle  Buttoned Shirt Midnight Blue / White (Stripes)
Givn Berlin Hemd RAMIN aus Bio-Baumwolle  Buttoned Shirt Midnight Blue / White (Stripes)
Givn Berlin Hemd RAMIN aus Bio-Baumwolle  Buttoned Shirt Midnight Blue / White (Stripes)
Givn Berlin Hemd RAMIN aus Bio-Baumwolle  Buttoned Shirt Midnight Blue / White (Stripes)
Givn Berlin Hemd RAMIN aus Bio-Baumwolle  Buttoned Shirt Midnight Blue / White (Stripes)
Givn Berlin Hemd RAMIN aus Bio-Baumwolle  Buttoned Shirt Midnight Blue / White (Stripes)
Givn Berlin Hemd RAMIN aus Bio-Baumwolle  Buttoned Shirt Midnight Blue / White (Stripes)
Givn Berlin Hemd RAMIN aus Bio-Baumwolle  Buttoned Shirt Midnight Blue / White (Stripes)
Givn Berlin Hemd RAMIN aus Bio-Baumwolle  Buttoned Shirt Midnight Blue / White (Stripes)
Givn Berlin Hemd RAMIN aus Bio-Baumwolle  Buttoned Shirt Midnight Blue / White (Stripes)
Givn Berlin Hemd RAMIN aus Bio-Baumwolle  Buttoned Shirt Midnight Blue / White (Stripes)
Organic Cotton Shirt RAMIN -Midnight Blue / White (Stripes)

Organic Cotton Shirt RAMIN -Midnight Blue / White (Stripes)

T-shirt COLBY (Objects) organic cotton - White
T-shirt COLBY (Objects) organic cotton - White
T-shirt COLBY (Objects) organic cotton - White
T-shirt COLBY (Objects) organic cotton - White

T-shirt COLBY (Objects) organic cotton - White

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"At Work"

In Conversation with Mickey Mouse

To make your blog an effective sales machine, integrate your product into your content in a way that doesn't scream BUY, BUY, BUY. Here are five steps to provide relevant information and eye-candy to lure readers in and help convert blog posts to sales receipts.

Images: Mick Rock
Words: Theo Adorno

Many companies spend lots of resources and effort to create a blog that supports their business, particularly the sales process. Yet many corporate bloggers complain that while blogs contain relevant information and attract visitors, they can't track how their blog has influenced sales. Social media has raised customers' expectations about the information they need before they purchase. If your blog content is relevant to prospects' and customers' needs before and after purchase and your products deliver on their promise, you can convert your blog into a sales machine.

3 cs of using your blog to sell

Content. Provide useful, educational and entertaining content. Present information based on your product offering and customers' problems or needs.

Context. While your end goal is to sell, consider the context of your blog posts. Here, you're a tour guide through your firm's extended offering - not an auctioneer. Your job is to show readers how to use your firm's products.

Commerce. Once you've given your readers useful information in a meaningful setting, they may be interested in actually plunking down their credit card. Unfortunately, here's where many business blogs stop. Blog editors, familiar with their company's e-commerce site and how to find specific products, can assume readers innately know how to find the product or have the motivation to track it down. Don't get me wrong. Some very small percentage of prospects will go to extreme efforts to find the product. Unfortunately, the rest will just leave or worse go to your competitor.

Ways to convert your traffic to sales

To make your blog an effective sales machine, integrate your product into your content in a way that doesn't scream BUY, BUY, BUY. Here are five steps to provide relevant information and eye-candy to lure readers in and help convert blog posts to sales receipts.

Provide useful, relevant information. Show prospects how to use your product, give them instructions or how-tos, and/or entertain them.

Showing making procedure is a good way to guarantee product quality

Include a variety of different forms of content. Photographs and videos are particularly important because readers tend to be visual and want to see your product in action.

Get customer attention by clean visual and video

Make it easy to buy by eliminating stumbling blocks to purchase. Don't assume customers know which item you're talking about in your post. Provide a link directly to the product page or just link the product to your blog so they can buy if they want. If it relevant give readers more than one way to get to the product.