Saving and donating

This week, Black Friday is just around the corner - a day when many companies run big discount campaigns to make profits and boost their sales. These actions often lead to impulsive consumption and ill-considered purchases.

We want to change this and use the opportunity to raise awareness for conscious consumption and also to support a charitable organisation with a donation.

For a limited period you will also receive a discount of -20%. In addition, this year we will donate 10 EUR for each part sold on Fair Friday to the Contact and Counselling Centre for Refugees and Migrants (KUB) in Berlin-Kreuzberg. It is committed to an open civil society and the integration of refugees.

Therefore, from 23.11.23 to 26.11.23 you will receive -20% discount on your order with the code FAIRFRIDAY23 and at the same time support the integration of refugees in Berlin!

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ADORA Cardigan | Longsleeve GINA | Flanellhose BEATRICE

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Flannel shirt KENT | Flanellhose ERIC | Schal ISAAC

Working together for an open civil society

Our donor partner, the Contact and Counselling Centre for Refugees and Migrants e.V. in Berlin-Kreuzberg has been offering various free advice and support services since 1983, mainly aimed at people whose stay is insecure and who therefore have few suitable contact points. These people are disenfranchised by flight and migration and are often in financial and social hardship. Counsel seekers receive counselling on asylum, residence and psychosocial matters as well as low-threshold social counselling at the KuB in many languages. Within the framework of the Berlin Network for particularly vulnerable refugees, the KuB is the focal point for single parents, pregnant women and women affected by violence.

Learn more about the KuB

Black Friday and Fair Fashion?

Black Friday is all about excessive consumption. Discounts are put in focus and are intended to seduce people to buy.

Price battles and choice of orders are in contrast to sustainable and conscious purchasing behaviour. Many companies boost their profits in order to earn more at the expense of their employees. Often companies even sell merchandise produced especially for Black Friday.

We also issue a discount code for this period. But what's the difference?

We donate 10 EUR per sold part on this year's Fair Friday to the Contact and Counselling Centre for Refugees and Migrants e.V. - short KuB - in Berlin-Kreuzberg, die notwendige Hilfe für Geflüchtete und nach Deutschland migrierte Menschen anbietet und diesen Menschen so bei einer besseren Integration hilft. Mit deinem Kauf unterstützt Du also automatisch den Verein.

We put a lot of heart into the production of our collections and therefore hope that you will wear them consciously and buy them. These questions help to guide a sustainable purchasing decision:
- Do I really need this product?
- Under what working conditions was the article manufactured?
- What materials were used?
- Do I already have something similar?

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Sweater EMILY| Blouse IVA

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Knitted sweaterAIDEN

"I like it minimalist, but value special cuts and fabrics"

Givn Berlin: Anyone who sees you will immediately recognize your flair for fashion. What is important to you when it comes to clothing?

John Falke:
Vielen Dank für das Kompliment. Genau wie die Musik bietet auch die Mode eine Möglichkeit sich selbst und seine Persönlichkeit auszudrücken. Ich mag es minimalistisch, aber lege Wert auf besonderere Schnitte und Stoffe. Ich habe lieber wenige Stücke in sehr guter Qualität und mit dem gewissen Etwas, als viele kurzlebige Teile.  

Givn Berlin: Auf welches Event freust Du Dich dieses Jahr noch besonders?

John Falke: Neben meinen eigenen Gigs auf die ich mich immer sehr freue, steht auch ein Ausflug nach London zu einer besonderen Party im Printworks an. Das ist echt eine einzigartige Location, die nicht mehr lange als Veranstaltungsort genutzt werden wird. Deshalb freue ich mich umso mehr, beim Event in der besonderen Halle dabei zu sein und vielleicht sogar einen meiner Tracks dort zu hören.

Weitere Givn Stories

Givn Story #7 Digital craft with Afra Hackl

Afra Hackl, designer, founder of the jewelry label rahrah, and mother, lives and works in Kreuzkölln, where she creates sustainable 3D-printed jewelry. Her approach, which she calls "digital craft," allows her to work directly on the product, adding a personal touch often lost in mass production. We met Afra at Velt Studio, accompanied her on her daily route, and walked with her through Hasenheide to her favorite spot at Tempelhofer Feld.

Next Story

"At Work"

In Conversation with Mickey Mouse

To make your blog an effective sales machine, integrate your product into your content in a way that doesn’t scream BUY, BUY, BUY. Here are five steps to provide relevant information and eye-candy to lure readers in and help convert blog posts to sales receipts.

Images: Mick Rock
Words: Theo Adorno

Many companies spend lots of resources and effort to create a blog that supports their business, particularly the sales process. Yet many corporate bloggers complain that while blogs contain relevant information and attract visitors, they can’t track how their blog has influenced sales. Social media has raised customers’ expectations about the information they need before they purchase. If your blog content is relevant to prospects’ and customers’ needs before and after purchase and your products deliver on their promise, you can convert your blog into a sales machine.

3 cs of using your blog to sell

Content. Provide useful, educational and entertaining content. Present information based on your product offering and customers’ problems or needs.

Context. While your end goal is to sell, consider the context of your blog posts. Here, you’re a tour guide through your firm’s extended offering – not an auctioneer. Your job is to show readers how to use your firm’s products.

Commerce. Once you’ve given your readers useful information in a meaningful setting, they may be interested in actually plunking down their credit card. Unfortunately, here’s where many business blogs stop. Blog editors, familiar with their company’s e-commerce site and how to find specific products, can assume readers innately know how to find the product or have the motivation to track it down. Don’t get me wrong. Some very small percentage of prospects will to go extreme efforts to find the product. Unfortunately, the rest will just leave or worse go to your competitor.

Ways to convert your traffic to sales

To make your blog an effective sales machine, integrate your product into your content in a way that doesn’t scream BUY, BUY, BUY. Here are five steps to provide relevant information and eye-candy to lure readers in and help convert blog posts to sales receipts.

Provide useful, relevant information. Show prospects how to use your product, give them instructions or how-tos, and/or entertain them.

Showing making procedure is a good way to guarantee product quality

Include a variety of different forms of content. Photographs and videos are particularly important because readers tend to be visual and want to see your product in action.

Get customer attention by clean visual and video

Make it easy to buy by eliminating stumbling blocks to purchase. Don’t assume customers know which item you’re talking about in your post. Provide a link directly to the product page or just link the product to your blog so they can buy if they want. If it relevant give readers more than one way to get to the product.